Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Surah Member of Muna
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Majlish-e-Shurah Members of MUNA 2025-2026

National President: Imam Dalouer Hossain


Elected Majlish-e-Shurah Members: 18


New York South Zone:

Ahmad Abu Ubayda

Shafayet Hossain Safa

Emdad Ullah

Dr. Mohammed Ruhul Amin

Abdullah AL Arif


New York North Zone:

Harun O Rashid

Arman Chowdhury

M. Toaha Amin Khan

Dr. Ataul Hoque M Osmani


East Zone:

Dr. Mohammad Nakibur Rahman

M Mahmudul Kadir Tafader

Md. Ziaul Islam Shamim


Upstate NY Zone:

Abul Basher Faizullah

Md. Abdul Kaium


North Zone:

Khairul Hasan Rafique

Muhammad Rafiqul Islam


West Zone:

Abdul Mannan


South Zone:

Prof. Mohammed Nazrul Islam


According to Article 15 (3) selected by the outgoing Majlish-e-Shurah from the former National President -2

Abu Ahmed Nuruzzaman

Dr. Syedur Rahman Chowdhury


According to Article 15 (4), the virtue of their position-2

Mahmudul Hasan

Firoza Akter Poly


Nomineted by National President -1

Alea Begum Shumi


Total Majlish-e-Shurah Members 24

Prayer Time